Monday, July 5, 2010

Characteristics Of A Healthy Personality

Characteristics Of A Healthy Personality

We often hear people comment that a certain person has a great personality or that he needs to develop one. A personality is a combination of all the small factors that add up to make a person’s mental constitution. Having a healthy personality plays a key role in defining the person who wields it. The key to having a healthy personality is to strike a balance with all the elements that make up day to day life. On the face of it, a person with a healthy personality is cheerful and does not get stressed easily. A healthy personality will enable a person to think clearly and with reason when everyone else is following a convention. People with a healthy personality have strength of character and have individuality of their own. If a person displays a healthy personality, it indicates that he or she is in good mental health and can be trusted to conduct themselves in a respectable manner and set good examples to follow. The greatest plus point about having a healthy personality is that it allows for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Traits Of A Health Personality
A person with a healthy personality has the ability to adapt to his or her social environment.
A healthy personality allows the person to be a good listener and a better advisor. It also enables a person to be able to understand others easily.
A person with a healthy personality will have a lot of common sense and will display presence of mind when it comes to solving problems (big and small).
A person with a healthy personality will not follow convention without due cause. The healthy personality lets the person be comfortable with whom they are and the way they look.
A healthy personality ensures that a person takes great care of his outward appearance and always presents himself with dignity.
A healthy personality is magnetic and attracts other to it. A person with a healthy personality will always display a positive attitude and be cheerful.
When faced with a personal tragedy, a healthy personality allows a person to overcome the tragedy without falling prey to depression and contempt. Healthy personalities are also indicative of emotional stability. It also allows people to be able to express themselves without hesitation or offence.
A healthy personality allows a person to function well independently and as part of a team.
The healthy personality enables a person to see others for who they are to be able to handle them accordingly.
People with health personalities do not feel the need to make everyone conform to their views.
A healthy personality is also displayed in a person’s desire to stay healthy (physically).

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